In 2006 we took over the Ayurvedic Amnanda treatment methods from Baba Ramdas Swami, an Ayurveda doctor from Tibet.
It was Baba Ramdas’s wish that we pass on and develop the Amnanda treatments – training therapists and treating clients throughout Europe and beyond. Our trainers and our team have been doing this with great joy ever since.

Baba worked as an Ayurvedic doctor in Tibet and India for most of his long life. He was the 22nd lineage holder of ‘Siddha Veda’ – an unbroken line of Ayurvedic masters that dates back over 2,000 years.
Baba died in 1987 at the age of 124 years old and his teachings are transmitted by André Pammé who passes down Baba’s knowledge of spiritual counselling and healing techniques that are the heart of the Amnanda therapies.
MEET OUR Founders

André Pammé
Amnanda Consultant and Teacher trainer

Dipl. Psych. Karin Pammé
Teacher Trainer and Therapist Trainer